Saturday, January 28, 2012

Starbucks date?

What is it about Starbucks that makes you wanna pour your heart out all over? Is it the atmosphere, the comfy chairs, and the Ingrid Michaelson songs they play in the background? 

Whatever it is, Starbucks does it for me. 

I love a good coffee date, although coffee isn't really my thing. I'm a tea girl all. the. way. (Venti iced 1 pump classic green tea to be exact.)

 Lets say today we met up at Sbux to talk life, you would witness me w/o any makeup in my yoga pants hair in a top knot. Cause that's just the kind of morning I had.. I would however put on a bra just for you! Bc I'm considerate like that..

I would probably wanna talk about Joya bc she is in the stage right now that I don't want to end. The stage where, even at her naughtiest I still wanna squeeze her cute cheeks and give her a kiss. 

I would tell you that my husband caught me being a complete dork doing the running man in our room when I thought no one was watching...We collapsed on the floor we laughed so hard..

Also, I'm on a health kick right now, so you'd hear about all that. Like how this coming up week will be my fourth consecutive week at yoga. There was a teensy tiny bit of bribery involved, my teacher is giving away a free one hour massage.. but I have already noticed a difference in the way I feel, so massage or no massage I'm a happy camper. I am also trying (but failing miserably) to become gluten free. I <3 carbs!

Then I would wanna talk about you! What is God doing in your life right now?

  I wanna hear from you! 


Sunday, January 8, 2012

don't worry. it's just high school!

Sometimes life can become overwhelming. I think most of us can attest to this statement. The what ifs are usually the things that plague me. It seems nothing is certain.

Ups and downs. Highs and lows. I get motion sickness by the mere thought of it.

In all honestly, I can be a major stress ball. You might never know this, unless you are extremely close to me. I have become GREAT at hiding it through out the years.. I was a born worrier. I come from quite the lineage of fearful peeps, come to find out. It seems danger lurks behind every corner. That risks are rarely full of reward, and you should always play it safe, or you will end up robbed by a little old lady on a motorized scooter.. This is the thinking that I began to challenge lately...or years ago (change takes time!)

Anyways God is always molding us and shaping us for His glory right?! Thank you Jesus. One day as I sat worrying about something very petty, he gave me an analogy/vision/revelation that I thought was worth sharing.

I had this image in my head that replayed itself. I came home from school one day all emotional about all the drama of being "the new girl". My world was over, one of the "popular" girls said something mean to me in gym class in front of everyone! Gasp! How would I ever recover?! My mom looked me in the eye and said  "Oh Sarah, It's just High School."

Right now you might be wondering what relevance this has to this blog entry. But I know God gave me this vision to reveal to me the BIG picture in life, which is eternity..with Him. The one who fulfills us, loves us completely, will wipe every tear from our eye. We'll know no more heartbreak, have no more sickness etc.. pure peace. Sounds lovely, doesn't it?

The word says In James 4:14 that this life is like a vapor, you appear for a little while and vanish. After spending 4 years in High School, having been graduated for 9 years (Oh em gee I'm getting old).. I look back at my life, and High School seems like it was a vapor. How is it that at one time, I was so consumed with it?? Why didn't I just enjoy it instead of worrying all the time? I know what God was showing me, was that one day in eternity, I will look back at this life and ask myself.."Gosh why did I worry all the time? God YOU are so much bigger!"-- ETERNITY is INFINITELY bigger than this life that we are so consumed by. Take chances, DO not take life too seriously. LOVE even if it means getting hurt or rejected, and be what God created you to be. Pay the nay sayers absolutely no mind.. & Let the chips fall where they may knowing that this life is-- JUST High School compared to eternity w/ Jesus.

When things seem overwhelming and it seems like God is MIA on vacation (probably in Maui wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt singing karaoke or something) be confident that, just because something didn't go the way you deemed in your mind to be right, doesn't mean He wasn't in the midst of it. There is a lot of heartache in this world, but take heart bc he has overcome it, and if that's where your faith lies you will overcome it too. Rise above the trouble setting your eyes on Him the author and finisher of your faith(Hebrews 12:2).

Truth is we'll never know why a lot of bad things happen, and that is okay. It bothers me, but it's okay. Because what we do know for certain is that God is ever present, and always has a great ending to this somewhat unpredictable and tumultuous life, and that is where our mind should be. That is where our hope should lie and where our treasures should be stored.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ramble Ramble...Life Lately

Happy New Year lovelies! Thanks for sticking with me, since my posts have practically been non existent for the past, what was it, two months?? I guess the Holiday hustle got the best of me or something..(or something is probably the more likely cause.)

Anywhoo..Lately we have been busy enjoying life, family, friends and this Ahhmazing 70 degree weather. Our days have consisted of the Phoenix Zoo, the park, date nights, bike rides, you know the usual. It feels extremely nice to break out my good ol' rainbows and head out to the goodness of an AZ winter. Makes me remember why it is we stick around here. Remind me of this once I start complaining again in June, would you?

Anyways here is a look at life lately instagrammed ;)

Wishing you all the best year you've ever experienced in 2012!! :)!! I pray that you would see all the good that I know God has in store for each and every one of you!!!

Romans 15:13
I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.